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Plate reader
- Description: Full mode plate reader enclosed in a
temperature controlled cabinet, and linked to a robotic arm for
screening plate feeding
- Brand: Biotek™
- Model: Synergy™ H1
- Location: University of Geneva, ACCESS
- Contact: ACCESS
- Research technology: Nanoflow
- Applications: Separation of peptides prior to MS
- Brand: Thermo Scientific
- Model: EASY-nLC 1000
- Location: University of Geneva, Sciences III
- Contact: Loewith lab
Q Exactive Plus
- Research technology: Mass Spectrometry
- Applications: Hybrid quadrupole-orbitrap mass
spectrometer for high resolution MS of peptides
- Brand: Thermo Scientific
- Model: Q Exactive Plus
- Location: University of Geneva, Sciences II
- Contact: NCCR Chemical Biology
- Research technology: Chromatography
- Applications: UHPLC for MS
- Brand: Thermo/Dionex
- Model: UltiMate3000
- Location: University of Geneva, Sciences II
- Contact: NCCR Chemical Biology
- Research technology: Nanoflow
- Applications: Separation of peptides prior to MS
- Brand: Thermo Scientific
- Model: EASY-nLC 1000
- Location: University of Geneva, Sciences II
- Contact: NCCR Chemical Biology
- Research technology: Imaging
- Applications: Light and fluorescence imaging of TLC
plates, gels, etc with quantitation software
- Brand: Vilbert Lourmat
- Model: Fusion XS
- Location: University of Geneva, Sciences II
- Contact: Riezman lab
Nanoflow for MS
- Research technology: Nanoflow
- Applications: Delivery of samples by nanoflow to the
TSQ Vantage MS
- Brand: Advion
- Model: Nanomate
- Location: University of Geneva, Sciences II
- Contact: Riezman lab
- Research technology: Mass Spectrometry
- Applications: Mass spectrometry of small molecules
including quantitation using fragmentation. Triple quadrupole
instrument. Equipped with Nanomate for nanoflow infusion.
- Brand: Thermo
- Model: TSQ Vantage
- Location: University of Geneva, Sciences II
- Contact: Riezman lab
- Research technology: Mass Spectrometry
- Applications: Small molecule analysis and quantitation
using gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. We routinely
analyse sterols and fatty acids.
- Brand: Varian
- Model: 320 GC/LC-MS
- Location: University of Geneva, Sciences II
- Contact: Riezman lab
Electrochemical Analyzer, with Solar Simulator
- Research technology: CV, DPV
- Applications: redox potentials, photoelectrochemsitry,
photosystems characterization, action spectra, etc
- Brand: CHI600
- Location: University of Geneva, Sciences II
- Contact: Matile lab
UV vis spectrometer
- Research technology: absorption
- Applications: temp control
- Brand: Jasco
- Location: University of Geneva, Sciences II
- Contact: Matile lab
CD spectrometer
- Research technology: CD spectroscopy
- Applications: chirality, thermal denaturaltion, etc
- Brand: Jasco
- Location: University of Geneva, Sciences II
- Contact: Matile lab
- Research technology: fluorescence
- Applications: kinetics, temp control, QY, etc
- Brand: Horiba
- Model: fluoromax 4
- Location: University of Geneva, Sciences II
- Contact: Matile lab
HPLC (several, chiral, smeiprep, GPC)
- Research technology: purification
- Applications: synthesis, characterization (MW)
- Brand: Jasco
- Location: University of Geneva, Sciences II
- Contact: Matile lab
Microplate reader
- Research technology: Nucleic Acid
-Prot quantification-Enzyme kinetics
- Applications: Absorbance, Fluorescence, FP,
- Brand: Molecular devices
- Model: Spectramax M5
- Location: University of Geneva, Sciences II
- Contact: Winssinger lab
BlitZ (Bioluminointerferometer)
- Research technology: Nucleic Acid
-Prot interaction
- Applications: Protein-protein interaction , Small
molecule-protein interaction, Ab-Protein interaction
- Brand: Fotebio-Pall
- Model: BlitZ
- Location: University of Geneva,
Sciences II
- Contact: Winssinger lab
- Research technology: Nucleic Acid -
Prot quantification
- Applications: Quantification of
- Brand: Thermo Scientific
- Model: Nanodrop 2000C
- Location: University of Geneva, Sciences II
- Contact: Winssinger lab
Fluorescence Scanner
- Research technology: Microarray
- Applications: Micrarray scanner /Cy3/ Cy5/ filters
- Brand: Molecular devices
- Model: Genepix 4100
- Location: University of Geneva, Sciences II
- Contact: Winssinger lab
- Research technology: Mass analysis
- Applications: MALDI-TOF used for high mass detection
(500 Da-200 kDa). Imagery capability.
- Brand: Bruker
- Model: Autoflex speed
- Location: University of Geneva,
Sciences II
- Contact: Winssinger lab
- Research technology: Chromatography /
Mass analysis
- Applications: UPLC with UV and iontrap masse detection
(100-2000). Used for quick analysis (5 min/run) in reversed phase.
- Brand: Thermo/Dionex
- Model: LCQFleet/Ultimate3000
- Location: University of Geneva,
Sciences II
- Contact: Winssinger lab
- Research technology: Chromatography
- Applications: HPLC with UV detection and fraction
collector, used for semi-prep separation in reversed phase.
- Brand: Agilent
- Model: 1260
- Location: University of Geneva, Sciences II
- Contact: Winssinger lab
High pressure NMR system
- Research technology: High pressure NMR
- Applications: NMR analysis of reactions under high
pressure conditions
- Brand: Bruker NMR with home-made systems to resist high
- Model: DRX 400
- Location: EPFL
- Contact: LCOM
Multi-well plate reader
- Research technology: High throughput
plate analysis
- Applications: Analysing UV, florescence and lumnesence
in well-plates
- Brand: Molecular Devices
- Model: SpectraMax M5E
- Location: EPFL
- Contact: LCOM
Gas chromatography with FID and triple quad MS detectors
- Research technology: Analytical
- Applications: Analysis of purity and quantitation of
- Brand: Agilent
- Model: 7000C
- Location: EPFL
- Contact: LCOM
High performance liquid chromatography coupled with UV detector
- Research technology: Analytical
- Applications: Analysis of purity or quantitation of
- Brand: Agilent
- Model: 1260 Infinity
- Location: EPFL
- Contact: LCOM
CD Spectrometer
- Research Technology: CD spectroscopy
- Applications: Protein structure analysis
- Brand: Jasco
- Model: J-810
- Location: EPFL
- Contact: Heinis lab
Orbitrap Fusion
- Research technology: Mass spectometry
- Applications: Mass spectrometry, proteomics, ETD
- Brand: Thermo
- Location: University of Geneva, Sciences III
- Contact: Loewith lab