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FACS cell sorter Sony SH800
- Description: Cell sorter equipped with
4 collinear lasers and 6 detectors, 2 way or plate sorting (6 well to 96
well). It allows sorting of a wide range of cell sizes using the 70 μm,
100 μm and 130 μm microfluidics sorting chips.
- Location: University of Geneva, ACCESS
- Contact: ACCESS
Cell culture room
- Description: Sterile cell culture
hood, incubator, cell-counter, centrifuge (for plate and tubes),
micropipettes, fridge/freezer, consumable plastic and liquid (excepted
culture media).
- Location: University of Geneva, ACCESS
- Contact: ACCESS
Plate washer
- Applications: Sample preparation, antibody dispensing
and sample washing
- Brand: Biotek
- Model: EL406®
- Location: University of Geneva, ACCESS
- Contact: ACCESS
Reagents or cell suspension
- Brand: Thermo Scientific
- Model: Multidrop Combi®
- Location: University of Geneva, ACCESS
- Contact: ACCESS
Liquid handler
- Brand: Agilent Bravo®
- Location: University of Geneva, ACCESS
- Contact: ACCESS
- Research technology: Cell breakage
- Applications: Breaking of cells and tissues using
homogenization with glass beads with excellent temperature control
- Brand: Cryolys
- Model: Presellys 24
- Location: University of Geneva, Sciences II
- Contact: Riezman lab
Shaking incubators
- Research technology: Cell culture
- Applications: Growth of yeast, bacteria and other
microbes with temperature control and shaking
- Brand: Kuhner
- Model: ISF-1-W
- Location: University of Geneva,
Sciences II
- Contact: Riezman lab
- Research technology: Fermentation
- Applications: Growth of yeast, bacteria and other
microbes using a 20 liter fermentor with in place sterilization. Coupled
with a rotor for cell harvesting.
- Brand: Bioengineering
- Location: University of Geneva,
Sciences II
- Contact: Riezman lab
Biological laminar flow hood
- Research technology: Cell work
- Applications: Biological manipulations requiring
sterile working conditions
- Brand: Safemate
- Model: 1.2 cyto
- Location: EPFL
- Contact: LCOM