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A. Babič, S. Pascal, R. Duwald, D. Moreau, J. Lacour, E. Allémann, “Helicene–Squalene Fluorescent Nanoassemblies for Specific Targeting of Mitochondria in Live-Cell Imaging”, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2017, 1701839. [More Information]

Mierzwa BE, Chiaruttini N, Redondo-Morata L, von Filseck JM, König J, Larios J, Poser I, Müller-Reichert T, Scheuring S, Roux A, Gerlich DW, “Dynamic subunit turnover in ESCRT-III assemblies is regulated by Vps4 to mediate membrane remodelling during cytokinesis”, Nat Cell Biol. 2017 Jul;19(7):787-798. [More Information]

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Colom A., Redondo-Morena L., Chiaruttini N., Roux A.*, Scheuring S.*, “Dynamic remodeling of the dynamin helix during membrane constriction”, Proceedings the National Academy of Sciences USA, online publication May 2017 (*co-last authors). [More Information]