About Marcos Gonzalez Gaitan
Marcos Gonzalez Gaitan did his PhD in Madrid with Antonio Garcia-Bellido and a postdoc with Herbert Jäckle in Göttingen. Then he started his group in the Max-Planck Institute of molecular cell biology and genetics in Dresden. His initial focus was on the Cell Biology of Development: endocytosis, signaling, morphogens. Then he started to collaborate with the Jülicher group from the MPI of Physics of complex systems. Since then, his strength is to combine developmental molecular biology, cell biology and physics. Marcos Gonzalez-Gaitán is a professor in biochemistry at the University of Geneva.
His main research interest is the biophysics and cell biology of endocytic trafficking during morphogenetic signalling and asymmetric cell division, to understand how cells talk to each other during development in physical and molecular terms and how the shape and final size of a tissue is achieved during embryogenesis. His approach is highly multidisciplinary and is performed in two model systems: Drosophila and Zebrafish.
Read more about Marcos Gonzalez Gaitan’s research on his lab website.
University of Geneva
Department of Biochemistry
30, quai Ernest-Ansermet
CH-1211, Geneva 4, Switzerland
Phone (lab): +41 (0)22 379 6497