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Karsten Kruse

Department of Biochemistry (50%) and department of Theoretical Physics applied to Biology (50%), University of Geneva

About Karsten Kruse

Karsten Kruse joined the University of Geneva as Full Professor in August 2016. Before joining the UNIGE, he worked for the department of Theoretical Physics, Saarland University (Saarbrücken, Germany), where he made outstanding contributions to the field of physics of non-equilibrium processes in biological systems. His current group aims to understand collective phenomena in living cells and other biological systems by using methods and concepts from theoretical physics to study specific systems preferentially in collaboration with experimental colleagues. From the point of view of physics, the challenge lies in treating systems out of thermodynamic equilibrium that have a biological function and an evolutionary history. To do justice to all of these aspects requires the development of new tools and approaches.

Most of his projects address different aspects of cytoskeletal dynamics in the context of cell migration and division. In addition, his lab studies pattern formation in bacteria, collective effects in cell signalling, and aspects of molecular evolution.

Read more about Karsten Kruse’s research on his lab website.


Department of Biochemistry
University of Geneva
30, quai Ernest Ansermet
1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
Email: [email protected]



Pau Guillamat, Carles Blanch-Mercader, Karsten Kruse, Aurélien Roux, “Integer topological defects of cell monolayers: Mechanics and flows”, Phys Rev E. 2021 Jan;103(1-1):012405. Open access [More Information]

L. Stankevicins, N. Ecker, E. Terriac, P. Maiuri, R. Schoppmeyer, P. Vargas, A.-M. Lennon-Duménil, M. Piel, B. Qu, M. Hoth, K. Kruse, and F. Lautenschläger, “Deterministic actin waves as generators of cell polarization cues”, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 117, 826, 2020. Open access [More Information]

Anastasiya Trushko, Ilaria Di Meglio, Aziza Merzouki, Carles Blanch-Mercader, Shada Abuhattum, Jochen Guck, Kevin Alessandri, Pierre Nassoy, Karsten Kruse, Bastien Chopard, Aurélien Roux, “Buckling of epithelium growing under spherical confinement”, Dev Cell, 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2020.07.019. Open access. Dataset info: “Buckling of epithelium growing under spherical confinement Trushko et al.“ [More Information]

Y. Ideses, V. Erukhimovitch, R. Brand, D. Jourdain, J. Salmeron Hernandez, U. Gabinet, S. A. Safran, K. Kruse, and A. Bernheim-Groswasser, “Spontaneous buckling of contractile poroelastic actomyosin sheets”, Nat. Comms., 2018. [More Information]

J. Mueller, G. Szep, M. Nemethova, I. de Vries, A.D. Lieber, C. Winkler, K. Kruse, J.V. Small, C. Schmeiser, K. Keren, R. Hauschild, and M. Sixt, “Load adaptation of lamellipodial actin networks”, Cell 171, 188, 2017.

K. Kruse, K. Sugihara, “2018 International Symposium on Chemical Biology of the NCCR Chemical Biology”, Chimia 72, 160, 2018. [More Information]