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The #NCCRWomen campaign (videos)

During the week of May 31, a new video showcasing an NCCR Chemical Biology woman researcher is released each day.

Christian Heinis wins an ERC Advanced Grant

This project will merge biological and chemical compound libraries to target so-called “undruggable” proteins. Congratulations to our co-director Christian Heinis!

Mitochondrial membrane tension governs fission

The NCCR Chemical Biology is proud to announce a new open access publication in Cell Reports stemming from the collaboration of 3 NCCR labs (Manley, Roux and Matile). Interdisciplinary collaboration strikes again!

Tracking proteins in the heart of cells

An interdisciplinary team of NCCR members has been able to follow precisely the path taken by a motor protein in cells, paving the way for the study of the transport activity and distribution of cargoes in cells.

Launch of the #NCCRwomen campaign

The NCCRs have joined forces in a national campaign showing how women have come to occupy a central place in research in almost all scientific fields.