Our signature accomplishments on membranes and cell signaling highlighted today in Chimia
Discover some of our key accomplishments on membranes and how they impact cellular signaling. An adventure that started eleven years ago!
Discover some of our key accomplishments on membranes and how they impact cellular signaling. An adventure that started eleven years ago!
The collaborative work conducted between the Aumeier and Kruse labs is reported in Developmental Cell.
Published in Nature Chemistry, the article describes a new technique for selecting assemblies of small molecules through programmed assembly using DNA-pairing processes, making it possible to find the best combinations for each protein to be combated, quickly and cheaply.
We warmly welcome Robbie Loewith as the new NCCR director and Nicolas Winssinger as deputy director for UNIGE! Congratulations!
This award recognizes his contributions in interfacing protein design with immunoengineering. Some of his work has unveiled novel routes for the development of new vaccine concepts and cell-based therapies.
Prof. Aye is the recipient of this award in recognition of the importance of her research in the field of chemical biology. Congratulations!
Monica Gotta (UNIGE) has been elected as member in the Biology and Medicine division of the SNSF Research Council.
Registration for the 6 ECTS online course on chemical biology will open on September 13, 2021 for the autumn semester.
Prof. Yimon Aye is among the recipients of the 2022 Tetrahedron Award in recognition of exceptional creativity and dedication in the fields of Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry. Congratulations!
Invitez dans votre classe une chercheuse pour inspirer vos élèves et dévoiler des vocations, tout en consolidant leur conviction que les femmes peuvent réussir dans les domaines MINT.