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ERC Consolidator Grant awarded to Prof. Yimon Aye

The European Research Council (ERC) has announced its Consolidator Grants awarding to 313 top researchers from 24 countries in Europe. NCCR Chemical Biology member, Prof. Yimon Aye, is among the grantees!


The Award

An ERC Consolidator Grant award has been given to NCCR Chemical Biology member, Prof. Yimon Aye, head of the Laboratory of Electrophile And Genome Operation (LEAGO), at the Institute of Chemical Sciences and Engineering (ISIC), EPFL. In this latest call, 2,652 applicants submitted proposals and 12% of them received the funding!

A great honour that will allow her to expand her research focusing on electrophilic signalling mechanisms and nucleotide signalling pathways. Here, Aye proposes means to gain a full control of manipulating local proteomes by mimicking nature’s chemical communication mechanisms, conserved across evolution. The lab will leverage these insights to directly guide and inform on new ligand-target pairs and mechanism-of-action for precision therapies.

Aye’s awarded project is entitled Cys-CODE “Unmasking context-specific functional protein cysteines in living systems: understanding spatiotemporal stress signaling and precision ligand-target design”.


ERC Consolidator Grants

The European Research Council’s (ERC) Consolidator Grants are given annually to researchers of any nationality with 7-12 years of research experience after completion of their PhD, as well as “a scientific track record showing scientific talent and an excellent research proposal”.

The Consolidator Grants, which generally provide funding for five years, are part of the ERC’s commitment to support “the highest quality research in Europe with competition-based financing”, with the ultimate aim “to establish and solidify European research as cutting-edge research.”

Facts and figures about the ERC Consolidator grant (call 2021).